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WinWar - a Warcraft 1 engine recreation

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:18 am
by MrFlibble
Recently I was browsing SourceForge and stumbled upon a project I had not known before called WinWar. It's an engine recreation of Warcraft: Orcs & Humans that should run under Windows and Linux. The project is currently at a rather early stage of development, with the most recent version being 0.2.2 (available from the new GitHub page of the project). There are no officially compiled binaries yet. However, WinWar appears to be worked on rather actively, with the most recent update being less than a month ago as of the time of writing.

The author aims to recreate Warcraft to run natively under Windows and Linux with original game data (demo support included). I was thinking that maybe this project would be able to add support for the Mac version's game data as well. It seems that the only way to reach the author is via SourcForge or more likely GitHub. Is there a way to send PMs to developers in GitHub?