War2xED's WarCraft II AI Table

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War2xED's WarCraft II AI Table

Post by Kyran »

WarCraft II AI Table
Version 5.51

Here is a brief description of the various types of AIs. Each lists what that AI builds, upgrades, what buildings it needs, and any relevant notes. If an AI doesn't have "Will build town" in its notes section, you should have it start out with any buildings it needs. If it does build a town, it is probably not a good idea to start it with anything but some Peasants, as to do otherwise might throw the AI off. Note: each AI is listed with human units for consistency; AIs perform the same way with either human and orc units. In addition, no AI is labeled as upgrading Knights, since that in covered under upgrading Footmen.

Two AIs were tested at a time; each AI had a "start from scratch" setup and a "already have it all" setup. AIs were labeled "very defensive" if they were not observed to attack. AIs were said to be "fond of (guard, cannon, scout) towers" if they built four or more of that type. AIs were stamped "fond of building type" if they were seen to seen to build three or more of that type.

Even if two AIs look identical, they differ in many respects, such as the rate of unit production and town building efficiency. As a general rule, the expansion AIs are a lot smarter than the original AIs; they are more prone to build towers and produce units faster. In addition, expect higher number AIs to be smarter than lower number AIs, since the game was designed to get more difficult after you solved the beginning scenarios.

If you have a correction or addition to make, mail me at [email protected] and I'll add it in. I am sure that there is a lot of AI behavior that I've missed, so experiment!

Land Attack

Builds: archers, footmen, knights, ballista
Upgrd: archers, footmen
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables
Notes: will build town



Orc 3

Notes: only builds 2 peasants

Human 4

Builds: footmen, archers, destroyers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, ship yard
Notes: only builds 4 peasants, very defensive

Orc 4

Builds: footmen, archers, destroyers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, ship yard
Notes: only builds 4 peasants, very defensive

Human 5

Builds: footmen, archers, destroyers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, ship yard

Orc 5

Builds: footmen, archers, destroyers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, ship yard

Human 6

Builds: footmen, archers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill

Orc 6


Human 7


Orc 7

Builds: destroyers
Needs: ship yard

Human 8

Builds: footmen, archers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill

Orc 8

Builds: footmen, archers, transports
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, ship yard, foundry

Human 9


Orc 9

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, destroyers, transports
Upgrd: footmen, archers, rangers, paladins, ships
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, church, ship yard, foundry

Human 10

Builds: footmen, archers, destroyers, battleships, transports
Upgrd: footmen, archers, rangers, paladins, mages, ships
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, church, mage tower, ship yard, foundry
Notes: ships used for defense only

Orc 10

Builds: knights, mages, ballista, destroyers, battleships, transports
Upgrd: footmen, archers, rangers, paladins, mages, ballista, ships
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables, mage tower, church, ship yard, foundry
Notes: very defensive

Human 11


Orc 11

Builds: footmen, archers, transports
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, ship yard, foundry

Human 12

Builds: transports, destroyers, battleships, subs, footmen, knights, mages
Upgrd: mages, paladins
Needs: barracks, blacksmith, stables, church, mage tower, ship yard, foundry, gnomish inventor
Notes: only attacks with naval units

Orc 12

Builds: destroyers, battleships, subs
Needs: ship yard, foundry, gnomish inventor
Notes: very defensive

Human 13

Builds: mages, knights, archers, transports
Upgrd: mages, paladins
Needs: barracks, blacksmith, lumber mill, stables, church, mage tower, ship yard, foundry

Orc 13

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, transports
Upgrd: mages, paladins
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables, church, mage tower, ship yard, foundry

Human 14 (orange)

Builds: paladins
Upgrd: footmen, paladins
Needs: barracks, blacksmith, stables, church
Notes: very defensive

Orc 14 (blue)

Builds: archers, footmen, catapults, transports
Upgrd: archers, rangers, footmen, paladins, ballista
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, church, ship yard, foundry

Sea Attack

Builds: catapults, destroyers, submarines, knights
Upgrd: ships, catapults, knights
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, ship yard, foundry
Notes: will build town

Air Attack

Builds: gryphons
Needs: gryphon aviary
Notes: will build town

Human 14 (red)

Upgrd: mages
Needs: mage tower
Notes: won't builds peasants

Human 14 (white)

Builds: gryphons
Needs: gryphon aviary

Human 14 (black)

Upgrd: Paladins, Mages, Footmen, Rangers, Ships
Needs: blacksmith, lumber mill, church, mage tower, foundry
Notes: very defensive

Orc 14 (green)

Builds: destroyers, battleships, submarines
Upgrd: ships
Needs: ship yard, foundry, gnomish inventor

Orc 14 (white)

Builds: transports, archers, knights, mages, gryphons, ballista
Upgrd: footmen, archers, rangers, paladins, ballista, mages
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables, church, mage tower, gryphon aviary
Notes: upgrades magic first

Expansion 1

Builds: footmen, archers
Upgrd: footmen, archers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith
Notes: will build town

Expansion 2

Builds: archers, gryphons
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, gryphon aviary
Notes: will build town

Expansion 3

Builds: destroyers, battleships, gryphons
Upgrd: ships
Needs: ship yard, foundry, gryphon aviary

Expansion 4

Builds: footmen, knights, mages, gryphons
Upgrd: footmen, archers, rangers, ballista
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, gryphon aviary, mage tower

Expansion 5

Builds: footmen, archers
Upgrd: footmen, archers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith
Notes: will build town, fond of barracks and guard towers

Expansion 6

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, ballista
Upgrd: footmen
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables
Notes: will build town

Expansion 7

Builds: footmen, archers
Upgrd: footmen
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith
Notes: very defensive

Expansion 8

Builds: gryphons
Needs: gryphon aviary

Expansion 9

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, gryphons
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables, gryphon aviary

Expansion 10

Builds: footmen, archers, knights
Upgrd: footmen, archers, paladins
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables, church
Notes: will build town

Expansion 11

Builds: footmen, archers, knights
Upgrd: footmen
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith
Notes: will build town

Expansion 12

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, mages, ballista
Upgrd: footmen, mages
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, mage tower
Notes: will build town

Expansion 13

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, gryphons
Upgrd: footmen
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, gryphon aviary
Notes: will build town

Expansion 14

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, ballista
Upgrd: footmen
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith
Notes: will build town

Expansion 15

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, destroyers, battleships, subs, transports
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, ship yard, foundry, gnomish inventor
Notes: will build town

Expansion 16

Builds: archers, knights, mages, ballista, destroyers, battleships, gryphons
Upgrd: footmen, archers, paladins, mages
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, church, mage tower, ship yard, foundry, gryphon aviary
Notes: will build town, but won't build ship yards

Expansion 17

Builds: footmen, archers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill
Notes: will build town

Expansion 18

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, ballista
Upgrd: footmen, archers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables
Notes: will build town

Expansion 19

Builds: footmen, archers, ballista
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith
Notes: will build town, but won't build barracks

Expansion 20

Builds: footmen, archers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill

Expansion 21

Builds: footmen, archers, knights
Upgrd: footmen, archers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables
Notes: will build town

Expansion 22

Notes: will build town

Expansion 23

Builds: destroyers
Needs: ship yards
Notes: will build town

Expansion 24

Builds: footmen, archers, ballista, destroyers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, ship yards
Notes: will build town

Expansion 25

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, ballista, flying machines, mages, gryphons
Upgrd: footmen, rangers, paladins, ballista, mages
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables, gnomish inventor, gryphon aviary, mage tower
Notes: will build town, fond of guard towers

Expansion 26

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, ballista
Upgrd: footmen, archers, ballista
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables
Notes: will build town

Expansion 27

Builds: destroyers
Needs: ship yards
Notes: will build town

Expansion 28

Builds: footmen, archers, ballista
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith
Notes: will build town

Expansion 29

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, destroyers, battleships, subs, flying machines, transports
Upgrd: footmen, archers, ballista, ships
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables, ship yards, foundry, gnomish inventor
Notes: will build town

Expansion 30

Builds: destroyers, battleships, mages
Needs: mage tower, ship yards, foundry
Notes: will build town, but won't build ship yards or foundry

Expansion 31

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, ballista, mages
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables, mage tower
Notes: will build town, but won't build mage tower

Expansion 32

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, ballista, gryphons
Upgrd: footmen, archers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, gryphon aviary
Notes: will build town

Expansion 33

Builds: footmen, archers, ballista
Upgrd: footmen, archers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith
Notes: will build town

Expansion 34

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, ballista
Upgrd: footmen, archers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables
Notes: will build town, won't upgrade to keep

Expansion 35

Builds: footmen, archers, knights
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables
Notes: will build town

Expansion 36

Builds: footmen, archers, ballista
Upgrd: footmen, archers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith
Notes: will build town, fond of guard towers

Expansion 37

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, flying machines, mages
Upgrd: footmen, archers, paladins, mages
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables, church, mage tower, gnomish inventor
Notes: will build town

Expansion 38

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, flying machines, mages
Upgrd: footmen, archers, paladins, mages
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables, church, mage tower, gnomish inventor
Notes: will build town

Expansion 39

Builds: footmen, archers
Upgrd: footmen, archers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith
Notes: will build town

Expansion 40


Expansion 41

Builds: footmen, archers, kngihts
Upgrd: footmen, archers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables
Notes: will build town

Expansion 42

Builds: gryphons
Needs: gryphon aviary

Expansion 43

Builds: footmen, archers, ballista, destroyers, battleships, subs
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, ship yards, foundry, gnomish inventor
Notes: will build town, won't build foundry or gnomish inventor, only attacks with naval units

Expansion 44

Builds: gryphons
Needs: gryphon aviary

Expansion 45

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, ballista
Upgrd: footmen
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables
Notes: will build town

Expansion 46

Builds: footmen, archers, ballista
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith
Notes: will build town

Expansion 47

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, ballista, mages
Upgrd: footmen, archers, paladins, mages
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables, mage tower, church
Notes: will build town

Expansion 48

Builds: archers, ballista
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith
Notes: will build town

Expansion 49

Builds: footmen, archers, ballista
Upgrd: footmen, archers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith
Notes: fond of barracks and guard towers

Expansion 50

Builds: footmen, archers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill
Notes: will build town

Expansion 51

Builds: footmen, archers, knights, ballista
Upgrd: footmen, archers, rangers
Needs: barracks, lumber mill, blacksmith, stables
Notes: will build town
04:27 jim4 why haven't you added wc1 support? this project sucks. i'm only going to use freecraft
05:06 jim4 finished wc1 support yet? i've been waiting for 6 years
05:10 jim4 new things scare me
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